Thursday, April 19, 2012

Macs under Attack & A faster PC, Part 1

For My Mac followers or even all you Windows people with Mac friends, Macs are under attack!, there has been at least 2 major security attacks on the Mac OS 10 software this week with up near 1 million machines infected by now. It is crucial that you make sure all your Apple Software is Up to Date. Do not click on any links that present them selves offering to fix your PC for infections, and watch out for "copycat" web pages, always double check the address bar.
The golden Rule is - "If you didn't search for it or request it, don't click on it" in other words if something pops up and makes you an offer! leave it alone.
Mac Users if you are not running an Antivirus Program, it is time to start running some!

Today I am going to give a "newbie lesson" in how to tidy up your PC and hopefully make it run a little bit faster and smoother for you. This is directed at a Microsoft system, My Stats show that I have a very small number of Mac users viewing. I know some of these users and they are more advanced users, but if you are a Mac user and would like me to show you anything please feel free to contact me with your request and I will only be to happy to show you what you would like to know.

The first place we will start is to think about any programs that are installed that you never use.
From your Desktop (normal screen) Press on the "start button" on the bottom left of the screen.

In the lists that present them selves - in the right hand column, look for "control panel" and select it

This will open up a screen that will vary depending on what system you are on, but if you look up in the top right you will see  "View by:" select either small or large icons, it doesn't matter, and you will be given a much clearer way of seeing all the options.

You are looking for "Add and Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" depending again on which version of Windows you are on. Select your relevant option.

This will take a little while, but it will propagate a list of all the programs installed in your computer.
Once the list is complete, it will be presented down the screen in alphabetical order. Make your way down the list and try and spot any programs that you don't use or may have never used!.  There may be a lot of programs that were installed with cameras or phones that you have previously owned, but don't use any more. There may be games that you never play, there may be trial software that came with the computer when you purchased it. The main point to stress here is - that if you are unsure about a program and what it does, Leave it Alone.

If you have found some that you feel you can safely get rid of, you have the option to either single click to highlight the program and then at the top of the list there are options to "repair or uninstall/change" : click on "uninstall/change". Or you can simply double click on the program that you wish to uninstall, and you will be presented with further options.

The steps and options to remove or delete a program vary from program to program, so I can't cover that here, but the most important thing is to take your time and Read everything presented to you. Don't be guilty of doing the old "Next, Next, Finish" and then thinking "Oh Oh what did I do?"

Some programs will ask you to restart your PC to complete the removal, if you have the option to do it later, select that, and do 1 restart at the end when you have finished removing all of your unused programs, this just saves you a lot of time.
As Usual if you are unsure about something either ask an informed opinion, or  "Google it!" but don't remove anything until you are sure of what you are removing. 


Melissa {Suger} said...

Nice advice. Especially the don't remove it if you don't know what it does thing. I removed an update once and compromised my whole system. Had to go full restore. Whooops.

Tony said...

Thanks Mel, It is better to leave a Program especially if it is a small one, rather than risk a major issue. If you found that there was a lot of programs that you were unsure about, it might then pay to do some research and see what it is safe to remove.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm a horrible Mac user. I use my Macbook like a PC, and sometimes get frustrated when I can't find things. You'd shudder at my documents folder, I can never find things again and tend to use my 'Downloads' list as a place to save things (BAD, BAD idea).

Love the background on your blog :)

Tony said...

Hey Amy In the later Windows system the quickest way to find any thing is to just type it in the run(search) box, A list will appear of all the things with that name.
On a Mac a handy way it to press Command-F this will bring a find box where you can type the name of the item you are looking for.

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